Information and Software Technology (IST)
We specialise in tutoring for Information and Software Technology (IST), moulding students towards highly developed levels of computing and technological literacy, essential for a career in the 21st century.
Our Information and Software Technology tutors are qualified to teach the course in secondary schools, and are attributed with a history of exceptional academic achievements.
The study of Information and Software Technology Years 7–10 assists students to develop the knowledge, understanding and skills to solve problems in real life contexts. Our IST tutors support and extend students to build on information and communication technology (ICT) skills, when using and integrating application programs and hardware devices.
This subject has an inherently practical nature. With the support and extension via our experienced IST tutors, students will be better equipped to make appropriate use of and informed choices about information and software technology both at a personal level and possibly in their future career. Students will be prepared for future developments and directions in the exciting and challenging field of information and software technology.
Tutoring this subject is tailored towards inspiring students to use new technical skills to develop creative and practical solutions to problems including; data handling, hardware, software, website development and computer coding. Our tutors understand the priority of teaching students to develop a wealth of technical computer literacy, preparing them for the 21st century workplace.
A student successful in Information and Software Technology is one who enjoys problem-solving, has a strong interest in technology-related concepts and enjoys mathematics. Our tutors assist students with strategies such as computational thinking and variations of case studies to maximise learning in this subject.